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4in Calathea "Silvia"

4in Calathea "Silvia"

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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  • Botanical Name: Calathea roseopicta 'Silvia'
  • Common Names: Prayer Plant
  • Description: Large round leaves, pinkish-red with dark green edges. Tropical Houseplants can handle a variety of indoor light conditions, bright indirect is best. Fast draining soil, moderate (distilled) water but prefers not to sit in water. Occasionally mist the leaves.
  • Calathea plants thrive in humidity, prefer indirect lighting and will grow best in a shady room. Place your plants away from any open windows with sunlight. ...
  • Calathea plants don't like to be heavily watered. ...
  • Groom your calathea plant regularly to keep it looking beautiful. 
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