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4in Monstera 'Dubia' (Shingle Plant)

4in Monstera 'Dubia' (Shingle Plant)

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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  • Botanical Name: Monstera Dubia
  • Common Names: Shingle Plant
  • Description: Monstera dubia is one of the smaller, lesser-known monstera varieties, but it’s very beautiful and makes a great addition to any monstera lover’s houseplant collection. You can recognize Monstera dubia by the small, heart-shaped leaves, speckled with both light and dark green. The gorgeous light and dark green patterned leaves make this a beautiful plant. Monstera dubia is sometimes called the “shingle plant” because its leaves lie so flat against the trees it climbs in the wild, creating the appearance of shingles.
  • In their native habitat, Monstera dubias grow below the forest canopy where they receive dappled sunlight throughout the day. That means that they should be exposed to bright indirect light when grown indoors. Avoid prolonged periods of direct sunlight because this can burn the leaves of young plants. 
  • Monstera dubias grow well in loose, moist but well-draining potting mixes with lots of organic matter. A chunky soil mix designed for aroids is best for these tropical plants. This can be easily created at home by mixing together equal parts orchid bark, peat moss or coco coir, and perlite
  • Water your Monstera dubia when the top few inches of the potting medium is dry. Ensure that you are watering well and allowing the excess water to drain from the pot.
  • These aroids are considered medium feeders and appreciate regular fertilizing. Use a common slow-release fertilizer three times a year and a low-strength balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing period to help encourage strong growth. 
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